玉原湿原 /Tambara Marshland



うーたん、ダッシュで一回り!湿地に落ちたら大変!と私も負けずに追いかけて、あっという間に終了。もっとのんびり歩こうよー(^^;) サイクリングロード(写真右)を上って駐車場前のレストランで「だんご汁」頂きました。歩いた時間は約1時間半。気楽に回れるコース*1なので、群馬を訪れた際はぜひ!

Went hiking

While we stayed in Gunma, we visited Tambara Marshland to hike. It was very cool and silent, we enjoyed fresh air, cold water, the vivid green, and its mountainous scenery. Tambara Marshland is surrounded by the wooden path, so you can walk easily. My 3 year-old son ran fast following the path instead of walking, so we had to walk fast to catch up with him!
Anyway, I recommend this marshland for very beginners*2. If you visit Gunma or near Numata Inter Change, don't forget to drop in Tambara Marshland! :)


*2:Be careful with bears!