はちみつかりん /Chinese quince Honey


密封びん(国産)<2L> 星硝セラーメイト (びん詰め専科)


・かりん 1個
・はちみつ 1.5L

簡単です!びんもすごーくオススメです・゚☆.。.:*・゚ 。.:*・゚

Chinese quince Honey is said to be good for your throat. This was my first time making Chinese quince Honey. At the end of the last year, my husband happened to get a Chinese quince. And I had never seen a Chinese quince itself, thought I know its name. It occurred to me to make Chinese quince Honey! I bought a jar made of glass which was so nice to use. If you are looking for a jar for preserving something, I recommend this jar!

The way to make Chinese quince Honey is very easy!

a Chinese quince
1.5L of honey 
1. Slice the Chinese quince. 
2. Put the sliced pieces of a quince in the sterilized jar. 
3. Add honey in the jar. 
Please shake once in a day to avoid it from becoming moldy!