サンドイッチ /Sandwich

Recently, I make the sandwich lunch for my husband. I prepare for some pieces of ham, lettuce, cucumber and etc. on the previous evening. Then the next morning, I put them between breads. This time, I used the chicken ham which I had introduced in this blog before. It's better and safer to use the handmade chicken ham than to use the hams sold in supermarkets.

お弁当箱の右端の隙間を埋めたのは冷凍の枝豆。冷凍食品は特に産地のはっきりしたものを買うように気を付けているので、こちらはパルシステムの冷凍枝豆。自然解凍でおいしく食べられるので、お弁当の隙間にミニトマトではなく冷凍枝豆を入れる習慣がついてしまいました(^^) ちょっとした保冷の役割も果たしてくれて、便利なこの枝豆には頭が上がりません!えだまめくん、ありがとう☆
Can you see the green stuff which in the right of the lunch box? They are frozen Edamame! So convenient to keep the lunch cool. The Edamame of pal*system is tasty and safe. Good job, Mr. Edamame!

十勝のそのまま枝豆 250g 312円
Tokachi Frozen Edamame 250g 312yen


・゚☆.。.:*・゚ 。.:*・゚☆.。