鶏ハム /Chicken Ham




・鶏ムネ肉 1枚 
・砂糖 大さじ1 
・塩(あればクレイジーソルト) 大さじ1〜2 
・生姜やにんにく、黒胡椒、ナツメグなどスパイス 適量
1. 鶏ムネ肉1枚に砂糖をまぶして少し置く。 
2. 鶏ムネ肉に塩をまぶし、お好みで生姜などスパイスを加える。 
3. ビニール袋に入れ、空気を抜いて冷蔵庫で丸一日寝かせる。
4. 軽く水洗いして、沸騰したお湯に入れ、5分弱火で煮る。
5. 火を止め8時間そのまま鍋に入れっぱなしにする。
6. 引き上げてスライスして出来上がり。

Chiken Ham Recipe

This is a very easy and yummy dish which I was told by one of my precious friends. We can eat them with the salad, as toppings of the noodles, on the pizza, and etc. The boiled water after cooking is also delicous! Don't throw it away! Enjoy tasting the chiken soup as well. :)

・1 skinless, boneless, chiken breast
・1 tablespoon sugar
・1 or 2 tablespoon salt
・if you like, some spices such as sliced ginger, garlic, black pepper, powder nutmeg
1. Dredge the chiken with sugar, and leave it for a while.
2. Dredge the chiken with salt, and some spices.
3. Put the chiken in a plastic bag with deflated, and leave it in a refrigerator for a whole day.
4. Rinse the chiken, and boil it for 5 minutes with a low flame.
5. Stop cooking, then remain the chiken in the pot for 8 hours.
6. Slice the cooked chiken ham, then you can eat!