ベランダ菜園 /We made it!


種を蒔いて、毎日お水をあげて、間引いて、初めて尽くしのベランダ菜園ですが、今日ラディッシュがとれました!うーたんはラディッシュを抜くのをとっても喜びました。土の中から赤く丸いものがぴゅっと出てくると、本当に嬉しそう。今日から収穫ラッシュの模様ヽ(゚ー゚*ヽ)(ノ*゚ー゚)ノ 楽しみぃ。手前の緑は小松菜の間引いたもの。小松菜、まだ小さいけれど…どうなる!?

We made it!

These are radishes which we've raised. Soooooo cute, they are! My son was very pleased to pick up them. For him, vegetables are not to eat, but to appreciate. So if I asked "Do you want to eat them?", unfortunately he would answer "No, thank you." Please! Try them!