鮭のホイル焼き /Salmon en Papillote


・鮭(塩焼用 2枚
・玉ねぎ 1/4個
・ピーマン 1個
・人参 適量
・しめじ 1/2パック
・レモンスライス 2枚


人参1.2kg 186円

carrots 1.2kg \186



Salmon en Papillote

≪Ingredients≫ 2 serves

・2 pieces of salmon

・1/4 onion

・1 green pepper

・some carrots

・some mushroom

・2 slices of lemon

・some white wine

・salt & pepper

・butter or margarine


Slice the vegetables, then pre-heat oven up to 220C. While pre-heating, put the vegetables, salmon, and mushroom together on a foil, and add white wine, salt&pepper. On the top of them, put butter and sliced lemon, then wrap them all. Heat them in the oven for 11 minutes. You can enjoy very soft and juicy salmon with delicious vegetables.(*゚▽゚)ノ